segunda-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2018

IBM Future of Identity Study: Millennials Poised to Disrupt Authentication Landscape

- Young adults lax on passwords, more comfortable with biometric and multifactor authentication
- People now prioritize security over convenience when logging into apps

IBM Security (NYSE: IBM) today released a global1 study examining consumer perspectives around digital identity and authentication, which found that people now prioritize security over convenience when logging into applications and devices. Generational differences also emerged showing that younger adults are putting less care into traditional password hygiene, yet are more likely to use biometrics, multifactor authentication and password managers to improve their personal security.
IBM Security's Future of Identity Study reveals consumer viewpoints about they way we authenticate ourselves online. In an era where personal data is no longer private, people are prioritizing security over convenience and embracing new methods like biometrics.
With millennials quickly becoming the largest generation in today's workforce,2 these trends may impact how employers and technology companies provide access to devices and applications in the near future. Overall, respondents recognized the benefits of biometric technologies like fingerprint readers, facial scans and voice recognition, as threats to their digital identity continue to mount.
The IBM Security: Future of Identity Study surveyed nearly 4,000 adults from across the U.S., Asia Pacific (APAC) and Europe to gain insight into consumer viewpoints around authentication. Some key findings from consumers include:
  • Security outweighs convenience: People ranked security as the highest priority for logging in to the majority of applications, particularly when it came to money-related apps.3
  • Biometrics becoming mainstream: 67 percent are comfortable using biometric authentication today, while 87 percent say they'll be comfortable with these technologies in the future.
  • Millennials moving beyond passwords: While 75 percent of millennials4 are comfortable using biometrics today, less than half are using complex passwords, and 41 percent reuse passwords. Older generations showed more care with password creation, but were less inclined to adopt biometrics and multifactor authentication.
  • APAC leading charge on biometrics: Respondents in APAC were the most knowledgeable and comfortable with biometric authentication, while the U.S. lagged furthest behind in these categories.
The evolving threat and technology landscape has created widely-known challenges with traditional log-in methods that rely heavily on passwords and personal information to authenticate our identities online. In 2017, data breaches exposed personal information, passwords, and even social security numbers for millions of consumers. Additionally, the average internet user in America is managing over 150 online accounts that require a password, which is expected to rise to over 300 accounts in coming years. 5
"In the wake of countless data breaches of highly sensitive personal data, there's no longer any doubt that the very information we've used to prove our identities online in the past is now a shared secret in the hands of hackers," said Limor Kessem, Executive Security Advisor, IBM Security. "As consumers are acknowledging the inadequacy of passwords and placing increased priority on security, the time is ripe to adopt more advanced methods that prove identity on multiple levels and can be adapted based on behavior and risk."
Security Takes Priority; Biometrics Seen as More Secure than PasswordsSurvey results around security, convenience and privacy contradict the long-held wisdom that "convenience is king." While consumers have long been thought to prefer a fast sign-in experience with minimal friction, the survey results show that people rank security as a higher preference than privacy or convenience for the majority of applications – particularly for money-related applications.
  • Security was vastly ranked as the top priority for banking, investing, and budgeting apps – for these categories on average, 70 percent selected security as the top priority, with 16 percent selecting privacy, and 14 percent selecting convenience.
  • Security also ranked as the top priority for online marketplaces, workplace apps, and email.
  • For social media apps, priorities became less clear – with convenience taking a slight lead (36 percent), followed by security (34 percent) and privacy (30 percent).
The survey also examined consumers' opinions around the security of various login methods, and found that certain types of biometrics were viewed as more secure than passwords, yet security and privacy remain top concerns when it comes to adopting biometrics.
  • 44 percent ranked fingerprint biometrics as one of the most secure methods of authentication; passwords and PINs were seen as less secure (27 percent and 12 percent respectively)
  • People's biggest concerns with biometric authentication were privacy (how the data is collected and used – 55 percent), and security (others using fake biometric data to access their accounts – 50 percent).6
Age Gap: Older Generations Lead on Password Hygiene, Millennials Using Newer TechniquesThe survey revealed several differences in generational viewpoints when it comes to securing their online identities. Older adults displayed better habits when it came to password creation, yet younger generations were more inclined to adopt password managers, biometrics and multifactor authentication as a way to secure their online accounts. This could be an indication that younger generations have less confidence in passwords and are instead looking to alternative methods to secure their accounts.
  • Only 42 percent of millennials use complex passwords that combine special characters, numbers and letters (versus 49 percent of those 55 years of age and older), and 41 percent reuse the same password multiple times (versus 31 percent of 55+).
  • On average, people 55+ use 12 passwords, while Gen Z (ages 18 – 20) averages only five passwords, which could indicate a heavier re-use rate.
  • Millennials are 2x more likely to use a password manager (34 percent) than people over the age of 55 (17 percent).
  • Millennials were more likely to enable two-factor authentication in the wake of a breach (32 percent versus 28 percent general population).
Young adults also showed the strongest preference for convenience, with almost half (47 percent) of adults under 24 preferring a faster sign-in experience to a more secure form of authentication. This may be one reason that young people are more likely to adopt biometric authentication, with 75 percent of millennials comfortable using biometrics today compared to 58 percent of those over age 55.
Around the World: Location Impacts Password and Authentication PerspectivesThe survey found that geographic location had a strong influence on perception and familiarity with emergent authentication techniques, with the Asia Pacific region being the most knowledgeable and comfortable with tactics like multifactor authentication and biometrics. The U.S. lagged furthest behind in awareness and comfort for most categories. Specifically:
  • APAC respondents were the most likely to say they were knowledgeable with biometrics (61 percent said they were knowledgeable vs. 40 percent EU, 34 percent U.S.).
  • APAC was also the most comfortable using biometrics today (78 percent comfortable vs. 65 percent EU, 57 percent U.S.).
  • Europe had the strongest password practices, with 52 percent of respondents using complex passwords (vs. 46 percent in APAC and 41 percent in the U.S.).
  • 23 percent of respondents in the U.S. said they are not interested in using biometrics now or in the near future - nearly double the global average.
Future of IdentityAnalysis in the report by IBM Security details that attitudes regarding authentication vary widely, and while acceptance of newer forms of authentication like biometrics is growing, concerns persist – particularly amongst older generations and people in the U.S.
IBM advises organizations to adapt to these preferences by taking advantage of identity platforms that provide users with choices between multiple authentication options – for example, letting users toggle between a mobile push-notification, which invokes fingerprint readers on their phone, or a one-time passcode. Organizations can also balance demands for security and convenience by using risk-based approaches that trigger additional authentication checkpoints in certain scenarios, such as when behavioral cues or connection attributions (device, location, IP address) signal abnormal activity.
The data also reveals that younger generations are placing less emphasis on traditional password hygiene, which poses a challenge for employers and businesses that manage millennial users' access to data via passwords. As the percentage of millennial and Gen Z employees continues to grow in the workforce, organizations and businesses can adapt to younger generations' proclivity for new technology by allowing for increased use of mobile devices as the primary authentication factor and integrating approaches that substitute biometric methods or tokens in place of passwords.
IBM Security provides tips for consumers on how to secure their digital identities in a blog post here.
For additional details on the study and advice for companies to prepare for the future of authentication, download the full report at:
About IBM SecurityIBM Security offers one of the most advanced and integrated portfolios of enterprise security products and services. The portfolio, supported by world-renowned IBM X-Force® research, enables organizations to effectively manage risk and defend against emerging threats. IBM operates one of the world's broadest security research, development and delivery organizations, monitors 35 billion security events per day in more than 130 countries, and has been granted more than 8,000 security patents worldwide. For more information, please check, follow @ibmsecurity on Twitter or visit the IBM Security Intelligence blog.
About the StudyThe study was designed with Ketchum Global Research and Analytics. Data collection was conducted by Research Now. The survey was conducted between October 21 and November 5, 2017, with a margin of error of +/- 2.0 for the U.S. sample and +/- 3.07 for the EU and APAC samples, at the 95% confidence level.
The 15-minute online survey totaled responses from 3,977 adults across the United States (U.S.), European Union (EU) and Asia-Pacific (APAC) regions, including:
  • U.S.: 1,976 respondents
  • EU: 1,004 respondents (United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain)
  • APAC: 997 respondents (Australia, India, Singapore)

Osteopatia é novidade no Carnaval de São Paulo

Parceria entre a Liga SP e EOM Brasil vai oferecer atendimento osteopático gratuito para o público nos dois dias de desfile
na sede da EOM Brasil
​, ​
em Campinas
O carnaval paulista terá novidades para os foliões que estiverem no sambódromo do Anhembi neste ano. Uma parceria entre a Liga das Escolas de Samba de São Paulo e a Escuela de Osteopatía de Madrid Brasil (EOM Brasil) vai oferecer atendimento osteopático gratuito ao público e aos integrantes das agremiações, durante os dois dias de desfile. 
A EOM Brasil é a maior rede de escolas de Osteopatia do mundo e essa especialidade tem crescido graças à procura por atletas, esportistas, portadores de dores crônicas e outras disfunções. Além dos integrantes das escolas de samba, os foliões poderão contar com a Osteopatia como tratamento para dores já instaladas e também como prevenção às possíveis lesões durante os dias de carnaval. 
A parceria inédita disponibilizará dois pontos de atendimento, localizados na recepção do Pavilhão Oeste, e no hall de entrada do Auditório Celso Furtado. As manipulações serão realizadas por alunos da EOM Brasil, com a supervisão de professores da escola. Ambos os públicos poderão ser atendidos nesses dois locais. 
“Serão dois pontos de atendimento com mais de 50 profissionais, entre alunos da EOM Brasil que já são graduados em Fisioterapia e cursam a nossa especialização em Osteopatia, e supervisores de prática da escola. Queremos oferecer um tratamento especializado para quem vai encarar a maratona de 10 horas de desfiles, seja na arquibancada ou na avenida, gratuitamente”, comenta o diretor da EOM Brasil, Dr. Rogério Queiroz. 
A Osteopatia é uma especialidade da Fisioterapia indicada para o tratamento de refluxos em adultos e bebês, hérnias e dores nas costas, enxaquecas, problemas gástricos em geral, fibromialgia, infertilidade feminina, lesões esportivas e outros problemas. O tratamento ocorre por meio de manipulações em pontos específicos do corpo, estimulando e tratando as regiões que causam a dor e não o sintoma, como ocorre na medicina convencional. 
Osteopatia no Carnaval de SP
Quando: dias 09 e 10/02, das 20h às 06h
Onde: Sambódromo do Anhembi
Informações: comunicaçã

domingo, 21 de janeiro de 2018

Sul da França inspira nova coleção de laminados para calçados da Cipatex®

A empresa, que também é uma das patrocinadoras do evento, lança materiais com grande variedade de cores, gravações e acabamentos.

A coleção “Équilibre” da Cipatex® tem como inspiração os encantos do sul da França, com cenários naturais, características que misturam o passado e o presente e aspectos que vão do nobre ao camponês. O litoral, o campo e a arquitetura da região criam uma atmosfera envolvente e de contrastes, mas sem perder o equilíbrio. Com esse conceito, a empresa apresenta os lançamentos primavera-verão 2019 no Inspiramais Salão de Design e Inovação de Componentes, que ocorre entre os dias 16 e 17 de janeiro no Centro de Eventos Pro Magno, em São Paulo/SP.


Tons terrosos, orgânicos e pastel aparecem com força na paleta de cores da nova coleção. Castanho, castor, vermelho, verde musgo, areia e nude estão presentes nos laminados em (PU) poliuretano e PVC para calçados femininos, esportivos e masculinos. Tonalidades marcantes como pink, uva, turquesa e amarelo também compõem a temporada

Segundo Silvio Martins, gerente de marketing da Cipatex®, a nova coleção é resultado de ampla pesquisa de inspirações e referências internacionais. “A tecnologia empregada nos materiais, as cores, texturas e acabamentos permitem ao setor calçadista e designers criações versáteis, atendendo aos mais diferentes estilos, com a proposta de oferecer beleza e conforto aos calçados”, afirma.

Linha Feminina
Em 13 cores, com gravação suave e brilho natural, a empresa lança o laminado em PVC “Safiano”. O material também aparece na versão metalizada, em tons como ouro, prata, rosado e chumbo. Com textura leve que remete à napa, a Cipatex® apresenta o “Havena”, ideal para cabedal de sapatilhas e tiras de sandálias. O efeito de glitter em tamanho maior surge no “Mirror”, desenvolvido nas cores ouro light, champanhe, prata e pielter.  Para palmilha e forro, a empresa oferece o “Chicago”.


Em PU, a Cipatex® apresenta o “Classic”, com aspecto de couro, gravação sutil, toque natural e delicado. O material é versátil e pode ser aplicado em diversos tipos de calçados, como scarpins, sandálias, sapatilhas e botas.  Entre 11 cores, destaque para azul celeste, laranja, mostarda, canela e conhaque. Nas mesmas tonalidades e com acabamento extremamente macio, a empresa também desenvolveu o “Floater”.  

O “Tecido Glitter” leva luminosidade aos calçados em cinco tons, como rosê e preto. Para taloneira, forros e tiras, aparece o “Transfer”, com efeito metalizado.

Linha Masculina
Na linha casual para calçados masculinos, a Cipatex® apresenta o “Strong”, material gravado com visual perfurado. Indicado para cabedal, detalhes ou etiqueta de calças, o laminado está disponível em 12 cores, entre elas musgo, vinho, rato e marinho.

Com aspecto de couro de cabra, a Cipatex® lança o “Matterhorn” em sete cores. Com toque nobucado, surge o “Aston”, desenvolvido em 12 tons, entre terrosos, neutros e intensos. Durante o Inspiramais, também estarão presentes o “Cambrone”, um material robusto, bastante resistente, com aspecto rústico e envelhecido, além do “Ebano”, laminado com visual encerado e brilho natural.

Com base em pesquisas realizadas na Europa e Estados Unidos, a empresa lança laminados de alta performance para linha esportiva, com tecnologia empregada, grande variedade de cores e texturas, além de efeitos geométricos e holográficos. Com funcionalidade hot melt, a maioria dos materiais dispensa o uso de costura, otimizando o processo fabril.

Entre os lançamentos de laminado misto em PU/PVC e função hot melt estão o “Sparta”, que traz como proposta de cores vibrantes e aspecto nobucado; o “Ripstop”, disponível em dez cores com visual geométrico; e o “Pro Sports”, com efeito holográfico em tonalidades como uva, amarelo e pétala.   

Com aspecto de formas geométricas, acabamento nobucado e toque aveludado, a Cipatex® apresenta o “Dublin”, nas cores pink, turquesa, azul, marinho, cinza, chumbo e preto.